Airport Authority Clarifies Rules on Travelling With Medical Cannabis

The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority has updated its website to specify how it will require passengers to travel with medical cannabis, ending years of unclear guidelines for patients.

“If you are travelling with medical marijuana, be prepared to show medical documentation,” the agency posted in the revised information. “In airports where police are present, they will be called to verify your documents.”

The CATSA told the CBC that in airports where there are no police on hand, the passenger’s information will be given to local authorities.

While the agency states that medical cannabis can be put in either a carry-on or checked baggage, it is preferred to have it in the passenger’s carry-on bag, along with any other medications.

In September it was reported that a number of cannabis patients had complained to the CATSA over poor treatment by security staff due to their medication when at the airport.

Last year, Cannabis Life Network compiled a list of suggestions for those travelling with medical cannabis, including:

  • Always let screening staff know you are carrying medical cannabis.
  • Expect to show your documentation to a police officer.
  • Expect a police officer to search your bag.
  • Keep medical marijuana in your carry-on luggage.
  • Show up early.
