This article is part 2 in a series. For part 1- “Cannabis Sprays Explored: Testing for Hydrogen Peroxide” – click here .
The quality of Canada’s legal strains always seems so incredibly poor. The reality is, harsh smoke emanates from cannabis after it has been dosed in different chemicals and chemical sprays. Legal producers often ensure no pests, mites, or mold grows on their crop by using pesticide shortcuts. Substances are left behind that are almost worse than some of the things they are preventing.
We have already discussed hydrogen peroxide in this series, which is the main ingredient in one of the 23 approved sprays.
What makes it exceptionally troubling is how these cannabis pesticides react with and oxidize other sprays.
Purespray green spray oil 13E

Active Ingredient: Mineral Oil – made by a Suncor Energy business.
This is used to suppress powdery mildew, mites, and aphids.
It is a highly toxic and poisonous substance when ingested in large enough amounts. Mineral oil was deemed safe if used according to label directions, but this conclusion was only for food products and not for something intended to be smoked.
Furthermore, oxidation of mineral oils will produce other acidic components, as well as a sludge comprised of a mix of various polymers.
Doesn’t that just sound so safe!
There is an eerie lack of restriction when combining Puregreen with hydrogen peroxide. Somewhat more reasonably though, there has to be a 10-day buffer between the last application of sulphur and the next use of mineral oil.
Agrotek Vaporized Sulphur

Active ingredient: Sulphur
Highly toxic upon combustion and irritating if swallowed in high doses.
Molten sulphur is vaporized to fog a room filled with plants at any maturity. This is used as a defence against powdery mildew. The crop does have to be DRY during application; yet, no explicit time between last use and harvest is required. A large amount of residual sulphur may be noticeable as it creates a foul odour of rotten eggs. Surprisingly though, this odour is not so pungent from elemental sulphur. The infamous stench is from other, organic variations.
There is a tiny bit of sulphur found
in cannabis
naturally. This is always below standard detection rates and is ultimately not an alarming health risk. However, the safety of additional sulphur is less certain.
The products formed in your gut during sulphur’s digestion are known as sulphides. High doses of these can cause some irritation.
If you were to burn sulphur compounds, this can create harmful, highly toxic sulphur dioxide gases.
The amount of sulphur found in cannabis naturally is almost always below standard detection rates, however, no sulphur compounds are included in cannabis testing.
Sulphurous Acid?
Are sulphur and hydrogen peroxide compatible?
It may be true that growers shouldn’t be combining contrasting sprays for the same pest.
Yet, if you were to consult either of the pesticide’s instruction labels you will probably think it is fine and dandy mixed to use hydrogen peroxide after a sulphur application.
The pesticide containing hydrogen peroxide even tells you to test these things in a jar first. Not that making a mysterious chemical reaction is a good idea, and you may not be able to tell what it is by simply looking at it!
Did you know you can make Sulphuric Acid by mixing sulphur, hydrogen peroxide, and water together?
It may take a month for the chemicals to burn each other appropriately for this to occur. This can be enabled by the time it takes to grow and cure cannabis.
Alternatively, you can try to find a strangely stinky batch of buds that host an unusual odour. Then smoke this stank weed through a bong to create the reaction instantly.
It will filter out the toxic gas, turning your bong water into acid rain – no hydrogen peroxide required.
Did you know that means producers can be unknowingly selling you weed covered in a corrosive acid that is not being tested for?
In fact, none of the approved sprays are tested for. An issue that we will continue to explore as we examine the many different pesticides. By the end, you will definitely be avoiding anything that burns into black ash.
Stay True to the Skunk

By the end of this series, you should hopefully understand what to avoid. Cannabis that does not smell like cannabis should certainly be added to your blacklist. I recommend growing your own if you can.
Featured image courtesy of HelloMD.