Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Liberals to return donations from Cannabis Friendly Business Association Andrew Fleming·November 29, 2016The federal Liberal Party announced yesterday (Nov. 28) they’ll be refunding donations from representatives of the Cannabis Friendly...FeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Port Coquitlam cracks down on cannabis dispensaries with bylaw change Andrew Fleming·November 29, 2016It is now tougher to operate a pot shop in Port Coquitlam, a city of 55,000 residents located...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Task Force Report Due Wednesday Cannabis Life Network·November 27, 2016Ottawa’s cannabis legalization task force will deliver their report this Wednesday, November 30th, to the federal Liberal cabinet....FeaturedMarijuana News·2 Comments·0
Health Canada Changes Hemp Regulations Cannabis Life Network·November 23, 2016Health Canada announced changes to hemp regulations last Monday, citing a Section 56, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act...FeaturedLawMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
CAA & Modern-Day Reefer Madness Dianna Donnelly·November 17, 2016We live within days of denial, it’s everywhere that it shouldn’t be, like in the making of regulations....CultureFeaturedLawMusic·1 Comment·0
Cannabis may reduce traffic accidents Caleb McMillan·November 17, 2016A poll commissioned by the Canadian Automobile Association found 63 per cent of Canadians concerned about stoned drivers in the...CultureFeaturedLawMusic·3 Comments·0
Canadian Licensed Cannabis Producer Stocks Continue to Soar After Legalization Vote in US Brent Constantin·November 15, 2016The U.S. election is now a week in the past, but the vote to legalize recreational cannabis in several...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana News·3 Comments·0
Statistics Canada Shows Increase of Cannabis Use in Country to 12% Brent Constantin·November 15, 2016In a report published last week, Statistics Canada revealed new results for the county’s Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey....CultureFeaturedMarijuana News·2 Comments·0
Three States Legalize Personal Growing … Will Canada? Caleb McMillan·November 10, 2016Many Canadians took Justin Trudeau on his word and elected a Liberal MP. A year later, we’re still...BusinessFeaturedMusicPolitics·2 Comments·0
Cannabis Culture Location Raided by Police in Toronto Brent Constantin·November 10, 2016Police in Toronto have continued their raids against the city’s dispensaries, this time at the Cannabis Culture dispensary...FeaturedLawMarijuana News·1 Comment·0