Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Nelson City Councillors Want Local Economy Destroyed Caleb McMillan·October 7, 2016Whether it’s property taxes or regulations banning cannabis dispensaries — politicians are never financially responsible for their decisions....FeaturedMusicPolitics·0 Comments·0
Three Dispensaries Raided By Toronto Police Wednesday Brent Constantin·October 6, 2016Toronto Police have released the details of three separate raids against dispensaries in the city yesterday. “On Wednesday,...FeaturedLawMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Now Six Licensed Dispensaries in Vancouver Brent Constantin·October 6, 2016The City of Vancouver has issued two more business licenses to dispensaries, bringing the current total to six,...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Is Anne McLellan the Stupidest Person Alive? Caleb McMillan·October 6, 2016Is Anne McLellan the stupidest person alive? That may be too harsh. There are plenty of stupid people....FeaturedHealthMusicPolitics·1 Comment·0
The Continued Criminalization of BC Bud Caleb McMillan·October 6, 2016By “legal cannabis” the government means the approved facilities, which, right now, consists of 33 licensed producers. Meanwhile,...BusinessCultureFeaturedMusicPolitics·0 Comments·0
“Nobody Should Smoke Cannabis,” Says Legalization Task Force Leader McLellan Brent Constantin·October 6, 2016Speaking at Acadia University, cannabis legalization task force leader Anne McLellan told students her view on the use of the...FeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·13 Comments·0
Nelson City Council Votes to Make Dispensaries Illegal in Town Brent Constantin·October 6, 2016Earlier this week Nelson City Council passed the first reading of a new bylaw amendment that specifically makes...FeaturedMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Budzilla Successfully Appeals at Vancouver Board of Variance Hearing Brent Constantin·October 6, 2016The Budzilla Dispensary (2267 Kingsway), whose owner Rejean Houle last week said that his landlord had locked him out of...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
City of Victoria Receives First Dispensary Rezoning Application Brent Constantin·October 5, 2016After passing new bylaws in late September that allowed for rezoning and business licenses for medical cannabis dispensaries,...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Study Finds Cannabis Users Have A Lower BMI Brent Constantin·October 5, 2016A University of Miami Study published last month in The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics has found that cannabis...FeaturedHealthMarijuana NewsScience·0 Comments·0