Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Malta and Thailand legalize recreational cannabis Julia Veintrop·December 17, 2021The attitude towards recreational cannabis use is changing all over the world. This past week, Malta legalized recreational...All about CannabisCannabis LegalizationFeaturedLatest Legalization NewsLawLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPolitics·0 Comments·0
New Brunswick’s COVID Grocery Store Ban Caleb McMillan·December 16, 2021New Brunswick’s provincial government announced updates to their COVID-19 vaccine passport system. Grocery stores now have the authority...CultureEditorialFeaturedHealthLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·1 Comment·0
The Relationship between Art and Drugs: An Enduring Chemical Romance Dorothy Cheng·December 15, 2021The relationship between art and drugs is a matter of intrigue for many people. It is true that...CultureFeaturedLifestyle·1,649 Comments·0
Psychedelics in magic mushrooms and 6 hallucinogens beyond psilocybin Travis Cesarone·December 14, 2021Psilocybe and inocybe mushrooms are a treasure cove of opportunity to clinicians, patients, and chemists. Psilocybin, the centrepiece...EducationFeaturedPsychedelics News·0 Comments·0
26-year-old Dubliner is Ireland’s First Medical Cannabis Access Program Patient Kari Karpik·December 14, 2021Four years after launch, Ireland has its first patient through the state-approved Medical Cannabis Access Program (MCAP). This...Cannabis NewsFeaturedHealthMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Are Regulations Around Cannabis Drinks Changing? Wilson Wang·December 13, 2021Regulations around cannabis drinks will likely start changing soon. Recently, cannabis companies and advocates are pushing Health Canada...BusinessBusinessCannabis CanadaCannabis NewsFeaturedLawLawMarijuana News·2 Comments·0
What is CBN in Cannabis, and how does it differ from CBD? Vivek Chakraverty·December 12, 2021As a reader who has some background knowledge on hundreds of cannabis constituents’ cannabinoids, CBD or Cannabidiol might...All about CannabisCannabis 101FeaturedHealth·0 Comments·0
Cannabis Around the World: the History and Culture of Ganja in Jamaica Dorothy Cheng·December 11, 2021Jamaica is known internationally for its associations with cannabis. Yet, most people still have a muddled view of...CultureFeaturedLifestyle·2 Comments·0
How to Improve your Cannabis Business Kari Karpik·December 10, 2021Looking to step it up and find ways to improve your cannabis business in this growing industry? It...BusinessCannabis 101Featured·0 Comments·0
Your Edible is Mislabeled but Does it Matter? Ana Larade·December 9, 2021CBD was a last resort for the family of ten-year-old Sophie*. CBD is well known now, but back...Cannabis CanadaEditorialFeaturedHealth·3 Comments·0