Government Duplicit on Cannabis

NEW YORK, April 20, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Alexander Nachman, “The Pitbull of Pot” and one of the nation’s leading experts on the medicinal, social and economic benefits of legalizing cannabis, wrote a pointed and satirical piece about the government’s refusal to acknowledge that cannabis has medicinal value, while they secretly own patent rights on the synthetic versions of the plant. The piece is printed in CannaNews.Buzz, a prominent publication covering the legal marijuana industry.

In the article, Nachman says that marijuana is competition to corporate interests that stand to lose a lot of money if cannabis is further legalized.  “Corporate Prisons, Big Pharma, Alcohol, and Tobacco fight against the legalization of marijuana. It’s ironic that our government acts like they are protecting us – meanwhile, these products destroy lives and kill more than 500,000 Americans annually.”

Nachman also takes issue with recent statements made by Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, and Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who both said that marijuana leads to increases in opiate addiction.

“Marijuana is not increasing opiate use, it is decreasing it. Please stop the lies,” Nachman urges our leaders. “Please return honor to America by honoring the truth.”

“This is a call to action” Nachman writes. “This is a right-to-choose issue, and if you don’t want the federal government dictating what you do with your own body, or what course of medical treatment you’re allowed, you must stand for cannabis. If you reject the government’s attempts to dictate who you can love, you must stand with cannabis. If you have ever been discriminated against, or are appalled by the disparity in the civil justice system, you must stand with cannabis.

“Here is our pledge: I respect you as an individual and I support your right to choose. Your preference may not be my own, but mutual respect and dignity must be the benchmark of our nation.

“As a citizen of the United States of America, I expect certain freedoms and inalienable rights. I demand an end to the lies, the greed, and the injustice regarding cannabis prohibition.”

To read the article in CannaNews, visit:

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SOURCE Alexander Nachman
