Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Garden Society bring cannabis wine gummies home for the holidays Kari Karpik·December 22, 2021If you’re still looking for a Christmas gift for the wine-lover on your list, the Garden Society cannabis...BusinessCultureFeaturedProducts·0 Comments·0
Mushroom Christmas Wordsearch – The mushroom that inspired Christmas Julia Veintrop·December 19, 2021This Christmas, let’s go back to the old ways… we should all do some mushrooms. After all, it’s...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyleMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Who invented bubble hash? A secret technique from a UN scientist’s son? Travis Cesarone·December 17, 2021Hash has been with human beings for thousands of years, acknowledged in the Ayurvedic tradition. And yet, modern...All about CannabisCannabis CanadaCultureEditorialEducationFeaturedMost ReadProductsScienceSeriesTechnology·2 Comments·2
New Brunswick’s COVID Grocery Store Ban Caleb McMillan·December 16, 2021New Brunswick’s provincial government announced updates to their COVID-19 vaccine passport system. Grocery stores now have the authority...CultureEditorialFeaturedHealthLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·1 Comment·0
The Relationship between Art and Drugs: An Enduring Chemical Romance Dorothy Cheng·December 15, 2021The relationship between art and drugs is a matter of intrigue for many people. It is true that...CultureFeaturedLifestyle·1,616 Comments·0
Cannabis Around the World: the History and Culture of Ganja in Jamaica Dorothy Cheng·December 11, 2021Jamaica is known internationally for its associations with cannabis. Yet, most people still have a muddled view of...CultureFeaturedLifestyle·2 Comments·0
Animals getting high and drunk – An Outrageous Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·December 5, 2021What you are about to read contains ridiculousness, so get ready for some shenanigans. But, before you go...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyleMarijuana NewsPets·2 Comments·0
What is full melt hash, the star system, and why does it exclude extracts? Travis Cesarone·December 3, 2021Hash enthusiasts and solvent extract heads clash from time to time. Two different categories of extracts are separated...Cannabis 101CultureEducationFeaturedMarijuana NewsTechnology·0 Comments·0
6 Rock Stars who Rock the Cannabis Business Amanda Richer·November 29, 2021Some rock stars aren’t just rocking the stage — they also rock their own cannabis business. With the...BusinessBusinessCultureFeaturedMusicMusic·0 Comments·0
Ridiculous Stoner Shenanigans Wordsearch – Want to laugh? Click here Julia Veintrop·November 28, 2021What you are reading was written purely for your entertainment. It’s about joy, hopefully, some laughter and cannabis,...All about CannabisCannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0