The issue with medical cannabis in the past used to be accepting it, not judging those using medical cannabis, and finding relief from its use. Fortunately, no longer are people met with broad scrutiny for it. Skeptics have opened their minds, not to mention the legalization changes that have made a difference. But the real proof is (quite literally) in the cannabis-infused pudding, so keep reading for the recipe!
Medical Cannabis Benefits
The fact is, medical cannabis is effective, and users would much rather consume cannabis than a harsh opioid, which could follow with other issues attached to it, like side effects or addiction. The great thing is marijuana processed for medical purposes is safe, high quality, and is trustworthy at all times. Cannabis contains more than 60 “cannabinoid” compounds similar to the cannabinoids naturally produced by the human body. These compounds help regulate many bodily functions, including pain perception. Users have found cannabis to help with more than just pain. Cannabis has demonstrated it can alleviate nausea, appetite loss, depression, and the list goes on.
Medical Cannabis Improved Status in New York
Back in January, New York doctors finally received the green light to prescribe medical marijuana at their discretion. This move is a huge step towards accepting medical cannabis in 2022. That means doctors can recommend cannabis for any condition they feel cannabis can treat rather than relying on a list of specific eligible diseases or ailments. In July 2021, the state filed a bill to create provisional marijuana licensing category so that farmers could begin cultivating and selling cannabis ahead of the formal rollout of the adult-use program. The state has even gone as far as to file legislation last month to legalize psilocybin mushrooms for medical purposes and establish facilities where the psychedelic could be grown and administered to patients.

As individuals learn more about the drug’s properties and efficacy, more is continually happening to make acquiring it easier. Again, in New York, the Cannabis Control Board has permanently waived the $50 patient fee and is advancing home cultivation regulations. Also, last year, made policy changes to allow medical cannabis patients in the state to grow plants for personal use. Over here in Canada, receiving a cannabis prescription is a breeze. With your medical history, a family doctor can guide you accordingly. Not only to approve your prescription request but also to advise on the best way to take medical cannabis. The best part of medical cannabis, unlike recreational, is that it is not only safer and tax-deductible but covered by some insurers.
And finally, as promised, let’s celebrate the acceptance of medical cannabis in 2022 with that infused chocolate pudding recipe.
Cannabis Chocolate Pudding
- 2/3 Cup Sugar
- 1/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
- 3 Tbsp Cornstarch
- 1/4 tsp Salt
- 2 1/4 Cups cannamilk (you can look up the recipe)
- 2 Tbsp butter/margarine
- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

- Stir sugar, cocoa, cornstarch, and salt together in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
- Slowly add the cannamilk to the dry ingredients in the saucepan. Use a whisk to avoid lumps.
- Cook on medium heat and stir constantly until the mixture boils. Keep stirring and boil for one minute.
- Remove from heat. Stir in butter and vanilla, until incorporated well.
- Transfer into four ramekins, cover with plastic wrap, and cool in the fridge for two hours.