“Nobody Should Smoke Cannabis,” Says Legalization Task Force Leader McLellan

Speaking at Acadia University, cannabis legalization task force leader Anne McLellan told students her view on the use of the plant.

“Nobody should smoke cannabis,” McLellan said, Oct. 4. “We know something about the cancer effects of smoking. There are so many more ways to take your cannabis these days.”

McLellan was at the school to take part in a panel discussion on diversity in governance and law but spoke on the subject of cannabis as the event went on.

McLellan also noted a firm date for the report from the cannabis task force to the federal government – Nov. 30.


In September, Mclellan warned that legalization will cost Canadians.

“People — and I think the provinces, the territories and the government of Canada understand this — do not expect big revenues in the early years,” she said. “In fact, there are going to be up-front costs that governments at all levels are going to have to absorb.”
