Osoyoos Doesn’t Want Citizens Medicating With Cannabis

 Cannabis dispensaries are not going to be welcome if they go looking to set-up in Osoyoos.

City officials there passed a bylaw amendment this week that is going to ban cannabis dispensaries from the area. The recently passed bylaw has been described as a temporary zoning control measure, by the planning director Alain Cunningham, and it is expected to prohibit cannabis dispensaries in the town. The plan is to have the recently passed bylaw hold off any dispensaries from opening until next year when (and if) the federal laws are changed on the matter.

The council voted on the matter 3-2. One of the dissenting voices, Coun. Mike Campol, said that he decided to vote against the measure because he thinks that cannabis dispensaries serve a purpose within the market and he thinks that there are a lot of people who have not done their research and do not understand the medical benefits of cannabis.

From helping to heal young children suffering from epileptic seizures, to providing comfort to an elderly man suffering from pain symtomps related to cancer, it’s true that there are millions of people who turn to cannabis fro the medicinal benefits that the plant provides. But until Trudeau comes through with his final federal changes next year, Osoyoos is going to be looking to keep the pot shops out of town; even if there are many people living within the area who could benefit from having the access to cannabis. But there is a chance for those in the area who are upset with the recent decision, to take it up directly with those responsible.

Next-up in regards to this ongoing matter for dispensaries in the city will be a public hearing and that public discussion is expected to take place on July 18th at 4:00 p.m.
