Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Can LSD be kept green on its clinical path? Travis Cesarone·April 19, 2022A glorious bike ride can be found floating on the front pages of LSD’s history. Underneath the immediate...EducationFeaturedLifestylePsychedelics News·0 Comments·0
A Guide to Using LSD: How to Have a Good Acid Trip Dorothy Cheng·October 20, 2021With LSD making a cultural and scientific comeback, a guide to using LSD is needed to help steer...EducationFeaturedPsychedelics News·0 Comments·0
World Bicycle Day: Albert Hofmann’s bicycle day and the discovery of LSD-25 Sarah Rose·June 3, 2021June 3 is World Bicycle Day. The bicycle is not just a sustainable mode of transportation used the...EducationFeaturedPsychedelics News·0 Comments·0