Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Stop Trudeau: Scott Reid for Conservative Leader Caleb McMillan·October 16, 2015Is it wrong to be a conservative-libertarian pot-smoker? Must I “Stop Harper” just because Justin Trudeau said he’ll...FeaturedPolitics·1 Comment·0
Why I Don’t Believe Justin Trudeau Caleb McMillan·October 15, 2015“You own your own meat, if you own nothing else, you own the meat that is packing your...FeaturedPolitics·0 Comments·0
Why Harper is the Better Choice Caleb McMillan·October 13, 2015If I’m going to play the democratic game, I have to be honest. Harper wants lower taxes and...CultureFeaturedPolitics·1,876 Comments·0
Three Ways the TPP will Impact LPs (and the rest of us) Caleb McMillan·October 13, 2015The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a textbook example of doublespeak, in which “free trade” means two different concepts...BusinessFeaturedLaw·1 Comment·0
Voting for Cannabis Legalization Doesn’t Address Root Problems Caleb McMillan·October 9, 2015If you want to neglect British Columbian growers, have your cannabis taxed and regulated, and ignore other fundamental...FeaturedLawMusic·1 Comment·0
Five Reasons Stephen Harper Called Cannabis “Infinitely Worse” Than Tobacco Caleb McMillan·October 5, 2015Prime Minister Stephen Harper hit a new low last Saturday on a campaign stop in Montreal when he...CultureMusicPolitics·0 Comments·0
Who is Regulating the Supply of Vancouver’s Dispensaries and Compassion Clubs? Caleb McMillan·October 1, 2015 There isn’t anything in Vancouver‘s cannabis dispensary regulations regulating supply, and the city told Cannabis Life Network they’re...LawMusic·0 Comments·0
The Ultimate Justification for Cannabis Legalization Caleb McMillan·September 29, 2015Is cannabis legalization ethical? That is, is there an objective good and bad and does cannabis fall on...Music·0 Comments·0
How to Become an Entrepreneur – The LP Model versus Free & Fair Markets Caleb McMillan·September 24, 2015There many different types of entrepreneurship, but I want to focus on venture capitalists in the cannabis industry....Music·0 Comments·0
Vancouver Dispensary Regulations Destroy Local Economy Caleb McMillan·September 23, 2015Vancouver‘s licensing of cannabis dispensaries is a scam; it protects producers at the expense of consumers. A license...Music·0 Comments·0