Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Clean the air with Cannabis – An Environmental Wordsearch Julia Veintrop·February 4, 2023BC is burning. Forests all over the world are in flames right now. When you also consider all...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureEducationFeaturedGamingHealthHealthScienceScience·15 Comments·0
Cannabigerol (CBG): Before CBD and THC Travis Cesarone·January 22, 2023Cannabis in its full spectrum is an elaborate map that two components in isolation cannot give justice to....FeaturedMarijuana NewsMusicScience·13 Comments·1
Crazy Invention Crossword Puzzle – The future is now Julia Veintrop·May 8, 2022Feature image courtesy of Jetpack Aviation a company with amazing inventions under its belt. We’ve come a long...Cannabis CanadaFeaturedGamingGamingLatest Legalization NewsLifestyleProductsScienceScienceTechnologyTechnology·0 Comments·1
Bizarre Medical Treatment Crossword Julia Veintrop·March 30, 2022Using cannabis as a medical treatment might seem like a hippie remedy but when you consider the other...Cannabis LegalizationEducationFeaturedGamingGamingGamingHealthHealthHealth & SexScienceScience·0 Comments·0
Turns Out Cannabinoids Are Responsible for Our Runner’s High Wilson Wang·January 10, 2022Recently, a group of scientists found out that our body’s natural cannabinoids are responsible for our runner’s high....Cannabis NewsCBD NewsFeaturedHealthHealthMarijuana NewsScienceScience·0 Comments·0
Is That Weed or a Skunk — The Science Behind Cannabis’ Skunky Smell Wilson Wang·January 2, 2022Have you ever wondered why weed smells like, well, skunk? Researchers recently uncovered the science behind cannabis and...Cannabis NewsFeaturedHealthHealthMarijuana NewsScienceScience·0 Comments·0
Getting Gelly with It: How Gel Might Transform Cannabis Treatments Wilson Wang·December 26, 2021What if I told you that medicinal cannabis could take a new form soon? This upcoming gel might...Cannabis CanadaCannabis NewsFeaturedHealthHealthMarijuana NewsProductsScienceScienceTechnologyTechnology·0 Comments·0
Everything you should know about CBD and how it can help you Amanda Richer·December 8, 2021Having questions, whether you’re an old or new cannabis user, is completely normal. It’s confusing when we talk...All about CannabisEducationFeaturedHealthMarijuana NewsScienceScience·0 Comments·0
Tissue Culture Cultivation: The Future for Growing Cannabis Wilson Wang·December 7, 2021Tissue culture cultivation could shape the future for growing cannabis. We could see issues like disease and pests...BusinessBusinessCannabis NewsFeaturedHealthProductsScienceScience·1 Comment·0
Solar Power As An Energy Source For Cannabis Growers Leo Bui·November 1, 2021Cannabis production is an energy-intensive activity. Producers must maintain the right conditions of temperature, light, and humidity for...BusinessFeaturedScienceTechnology·0 Comments·0