Brace yourself. This topic is usually not common in the discussion, even amongst many circles of girlfriends. I get it. It’s kinda gnarly but it’s totally natural and it happens to everyone at some point. Still, no one wants to talk about bacterial vaginosis and a lot of women constantly have it and think it’s normal; most don’t know what to do other than get a prescription.

Did you know that a regular routine of cannabis and boric acid suppositories can treat and prevent BV? It’s high time BV gets talked about; it’s not gross, it about being healthy.
The signs

I am just going to spell it out: if you sit down on the toilet and can smell yourself, you very likely have bacterial vaginosis. You shouldn’t be able to smell much unless you go the distance and put some effort into it. Most describe it like a fishy like odor. When my girlfriend had it, she said she knew because it “smelled like something died down there” and she “flooded like the Nile River”. While it may be a grossly colorful description, it is accurate nonetheless.
What is BV

Bacterial Vaginosis, or BV, is caused when the normal balance in the vagina changes, creating an overgrowth of certain bacteria. The most common symptoms are a heavy odor and a thin or thick discharge. However, it can also come with itching, burning, and pain.

There are a lot of unanswered questions surrounding BV including what the causes are or how to prevent it. It is not contagious or transmittable to another person. The Ph balance in the vagina seems to play a role and one activity that changes that is sex. Usually, our genitals self regulate but if they don’t, it can result in BV. Another thing that we know is that it tends to reoccur. Any vagina can get it but if you have had it once, it is likely that you will again.

These days, if you think that you have BV, your doctor can diagnose by either pelvic exam or through taking a vaginal swab for lab testing. If you have it, the treatment is prescription antibiotics. Considering the fact that BV reoccurs, this is not ideal. Antibiotics should be saved for the most serious of situations if possible so save your health and your money. A better option is to make your own vaginal suppositories with coconut oil, cannabis, and boric acid!
Boric Acid
Boric acid or hydrogen borate is a white, crystalline chemical substance that has antifungal and antiviral properties. It is so commonly used as a suppository that the CDC recommends a vaginal dose of 600mg once a day for at least two weeks. You can buy the powder at a health food store or online. Most people just stuff a gel cap full and launch.
Why add CBD?
There is more and more research talking about the antibacterial properties within different cannabinoids; so, using CBD for BV can likely help the overgrowth.

However, the biggest reason that cannabis is an important ingredient is to prevent any redness, burning or irritation. Although it’s not common, some women experience symptoms of inflammation from using boric acid. Believe it or not, this is normal and it’s only recommended that you discontinue the treatment if the side effects persist or become too much to manage. Adding CBD will help deal with the problem before it begins; plus, it won’t interfere with the effectiveness of the suppository, it will add to it.
How to make your own
- Use a veggie cellulose or gelatin capsule as a mold.
- Using a double boiler method, melt solid coconut oil and mix in boric acid and CBD
- To add CBD, remember that there can be a few ways to do it. You can mix in a CBD Isolate powder or extract, add drops of a CBD tincture or even cook the coconut oil in CBD flower.
- Once your mixture is complete, let it cool until it won’t melt the capsules as they fill.
- Use once a day for up to two weeks. Repeat if BV reoccurs.