Interview with Internet Dispensary Owner Travis Lane at Cannabis Hemp Conference

Watch this interview with Cannabis Growers of Canada executive director Ian Dawkins and Internet Dispensary owner Travis Lane from the Cannabis Hemp Conference.

Lane said the conference brought together members of the cannabis community and professionals from outside of it in a way he’s never seen before.

“For me it was probably the most professionally organized, professionally presented cannabis event I’ve been to,” Lane said, hoping the even will continue.

Lane said a conference like this one is a big step forward for the industry in what it can do for perception.

“It’s not hard to convince cannabis users that we want this to be legalized and regulated openly, it’s a lot harder to convince non cannabis users,” said Lane. “When you have doctors sitting up there and politicians sitting up there and experts from all fields saying in a unified voice ‘look we need this for both our economy and the quality of the product,’ that gets through a lot better to non-cannabis users.”
