Menominee Tribe to Hold Cannabis Referendum

The Menominee Indian Tribe will soon have a chance to weigh in on whether cannabis should be legal for recreational and medicinal use on their reservation in northeastern Wisconsin.

The tribe plans to hold a referendum vote on August 19th and 20th to find out how its members feel about legalizing the plant. Members will be asked whether medical cannabis use should be allowed and whether anyone age 21 or older should be allowed to use cannabis recreationally when on the Menominee Indian Reservation.

“This is just a start,” said Gary Besaw, chairman of the Keshena-based tribe. “We’ll see if the tribal membership wants us to move forward and wants us to commit more energy toward this.”

In 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum allowing tribes to grow or sell cannabis on reservations if they follow federal guidelines.
