
My Doctor is finally signing my ACMPR

Its been over a year since my last operation and getting my body back to normal has been…weird. I have used exercise, a team of physio and massage therapists, a chiropractor, IMS needling, trying to watch my diet, and cannabis to get me back to tip-top shape. The 2-3 gram ACMPR signed by my surgeon expired just two months after the date it was issued and I have been on the hunt to get it re-signed ever since. Thus, the adventure continues…

Recreational Cannabis is now legal in Canada. As a medical patient, it is more important than ever for me to distinguish my cannabis used as different- I needed my ACMPR.

If someone wants to infringe on my right to use cannabis medicinally, they only have to call it recreational drug use.

So, it seemed time for me to start bugging my doctor again.

The appointment…

I decided to take a different approach and let him know I was coming with my guns blazing. When I booked it and was asked what I was coming in for, I made it crystal clear…”I’m coming to talk Dr. J. into giving me my ACMPR.” She replied with a simple and emotionless, “Ok.” I didn’t quite know whether to take that as a good sign or a bad one…

Uh, what just happened…

I didn’t have to argue, make a case or say one thing other than I need to get a prescription for medical cannabis. He looked at my chart, looked at me and the first thing he said was, “I will refer you to a cannabis clinic”.

Victory…again…I think…

Uh…Seriously? It’s actually happening? My family doctor is going to refer me to an intake clinic for a licensed producer and I can’t help but chuckle.

I have been referred to the same company that has a clinic down the street from the dispensary I manage.

My family doctor is saying intelligent things such as, “I wouldn’t know the first thing about prescribing cannabis, the dose or how it should be taken but these people should.” I was told to phone them and list him as my referring doctor. Once that was confirmed, they called me back to make an appointment for intake. It looks like I will finally be getting my ACMPR and I didn’t have to pay for, only wait till cannabis was legalized.

I am very sceptical of how this is going to go but excited this is finally happening.

To be continued…
