Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Interactive Weed Wordsearch – Scent of the Cannabis Flower Julia Veintrop·October 18, 2020There is nothing like the smell of a fresh bud. This interactive Wordsearch pays respect to all the...Cannabis CanadaCultureFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyleMarijuana NewsSeries·0 Comments·0
Updates on the 2020 California Emerald Cup Julia Veintrop·August 20, 2020In order to adapt to this pandemic, the Emerald cup had two choices, cancel the event or, come...BusinessBusinessCannabis NewsConferencesCultureCultureEventsFeaturedLatest Legalization NewsLifestyleMarijuana NewsNews & EventsProducts·0 Comments·1
Health Canada announces cannabis regulations which include no THC limits for dried flower Mike O.·June 28, 2018On Jun. 27th, Health Canada announced new regulations in support of the Cannabis Act, which received Royal Assent...FeaturedHealthLawMarijuana News·1 Comment·0