Have you ever wondered while watching Lord of The Rings if Gandalf the Grey or Samwise Gamgee like to smoke up after a long day on set? Not totally surprising if you haven’t but I did and here we are. Here are 5 famous figures who have enjoyed cannabis.

Morgan Freeman smokes to ease fibromyalgia pain
Everyone enjoys cannabis for different reasons. For legendary actor Morgan Freeman, it’s to help with pain from his fibromyalgia. Wouldn’t it be a treat to smoke up with 83-year-old Morgan?

Martha Stewart can definitely roll a joint
Martha claimed in an interview with Andy Cohen “of course I know how to roll a joint“. Case closed, Martha smokes weed and has been to jail, she’s officially more badass than 99% of the people know.

George Clooney was a regular at a cannabis shop in Amsterdam
During the filming of Oceans 12, Mr. Cloony himself was spotted on numerous occasions smoking up at a legal cannabis store in Amsterdam. If you’re out there George, we salute you.

19x NBA all-star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar smokes to help with migraines
Definitely not the only NBA player to enjoy cannabis but even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar occasionally smoke sup. Cannabis helps Kareem with chronic migraines. See above for a sweet picture of Kareem getting high. I highly doubt this guy is smoking the snicklefritz.

Barack Obama inhaled frequently
Former President of the United States of America, Barack Obama stated, “when I was a kid, I inhaled frequently”. Me and you both, Barack. Do you think he left the white house and is back living at the greenhouse? I sure hope so.
Well, I’m sure we can all sleep a little better knowing George Clooney got cooked in Amsterdam and Martha knows how to roll. This list of famous figures who enjoy cannabis could go on forever, but let’s call it good after Barack. Hope you learned something new!