Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Flix Anonymous — Episode 22 Trevor Dueck and Steve Stebbing·April 1, 2016This week on Flix Anonymous, Trev and Steve are joined by Canadian filmmaker, and overall righteous dude, Joel...FeaturedFlix AnonymousVideos·0 Comments·0
Smoke Show Puts LP Cannabis to the Test Cannabis Life Network·April 1, 2016Why test Licensed Producer weed and put your lungs at risk? Since the inception of the MMPR, patients have...FeaturedSmoke ShowVideos·2 Comments·0
Cannabis Growers of Canada Membership Booms With Dispensaries and Other Businesses Brent Constantin·April 1, 2016Since merging with the Cannabis Retailers, Distributors, and Growers’ Association in February, Cannabis Growers of Canada has experienced...BusinessCultureFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Oshawa Council Split Over Medical Cannabis Issues Murray Browne·March 31, 2016The city of Oshawa’s council is considering increasing the scope of the city’s medical marijuana working group. The...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Tousaw Says Licensed Producer Tilray Putting Down Home Growers Brent Constantin·March 31, 2016In a Facebook post, cannabis activist and lawyer Kirk Tousaw linked to a page from licensed producer Tilray...BusinessCultureFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·4 Comments·0
New Brunswick on How Not to Legalize Caleb McMillan·March 31, 2016The New Brunswick government must really love spending money, and thanks to Canada’s equalization scheme, and debts left...BusinessFeaturedMusicPolitics·1 Comment·0
Delta Mayor Worried About Legal Grow-Ops Murray Browne·March 30, 2016The Canadian courts recently decided to uphold the rights of citizens by protecting and supporting the right of...FeaturedLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·2 Comments·0
Chilliwack Dispensary Being Fined Daily For Refusing To Shut Down Operations Murray Browne·March 30, 2016From Squamish to Prince Edward Island, dispensaries are popping-up all across the country. Some with a little more luck...BusinessFeaturedLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·1 Comment·0
Dabfest Deux Highlight Video Cannabis Life Network·March 30, 2016Cannabis in Canada broadcast live from Duncan Dabfest earlier this month, where thousands of dollars were raised toward...FeaturedNews & EventsVideos·0 Comments·0
Trudeau Says Legalization Coming in the “Not Too Distant Future” Brent Constantin·March 30, 2016In an interview in Edmonton, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was asked again about his plans for cannabis legalization...BusinessFeaturedLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·5 Comments·0