The worst part of the new regulations kicking in today concerns edibles. Particularly the 10 mg of THC limit per package. It’s ridiculous and only serves to highlight the absurd double standard when it comes to alcohol versus cannabis. Here’s why.
Cannabis edibles are widely available on the black market. It has been for years, in potencies that range anywhere from 5 mg of THC all the way up to 1000 mg and beyond. For first-timers, it’s always recommended to start low and go slow. 10 mg of THC is usually perceived as a good introductory dose.
In fact, 10 mg of THC is so low that some edible makers don’t even offer products below that threshold! And that limit is per package. If you thought that the excessive packaging for cannabis flower was bad enough, you’re in for a very nasty surprise.
I mean, you’d think it would be pretty stupid if you could only buy hard liquor by the individually packaged shot, right? That’s kind of what the edibles law is like, except it manages to be even worse because most people, regardless of how much or often they drink, can actually feel the effects of taking a quick shot of liquor, while experienced cannabis consumers might not even feel any effects from 10 mg gummies!
The 10 mg THC limit is also misleading to the public, as it implies going over 10 mg of THC in an edible would be dangerous. But you know what’s really dangerous? Polishing off a two-six of liquor in one sitting, which could literally kill you, depending on your alcohol tolerance.
Another glaring example of the double standard between alcohol and cannabis is how strong the alcohol is. It ranges from 4-9% ABV for beer to about 35-40% for spirits like whiskey, vodka, and gin.

But there are also spirits like Bacardi 151, which is 75.5% ABV and so flammable that it comes with a built-in flame arrester. It has to discontinue in the USA but you can still buy edible in Canada. Even crazier is Everclear Vodka, which has a whopping 97.5% ABV, but it’s only available in Alberta.
Yet for some reason, all of those drinks are perfectly fine and acceptable while 20 mg of THC edible has banned.
For more news on edibles, click here.
Featured image courtesy of Metro Times.