Oct 17: Cannabis Legalization Day at the BC Legislature

Yesterday, Oct 17, 2018, officially became Canada’s cannabis legalization day. Craig Ex aka The Expert of Expert Joints went to Victoria, the capital of BC, with Kyle from High Times to celebrate the big day on the grounds of the provincial legislature.

oct 17

Waking up, there was a certain buzz in the air as legalization marked the single biggest shift in Canadian drug policy in almost 100 years! From the ferry trip that took us over to Vancouver Island to the bustling crowds in Victoria- people were out in full force for this truly historic day.

Especially at 4:20, when massive clouds of smoke were lit up right in front of the government buildings, and what made it all a lot sweeter was that you knew that there wasn’t anything the police could do about it.

Legalization Day in Victoria was organized by Sensible BC and hosted by prominent cannabis activist Dana Larsen, who was giving out free joints and live plants all day. But even with legalization, the fight is far from over, and Dana acknowledged that on social media, by calling for people to join the cause:

“The next phase of our fight for fair cannabis laws and an end to the vicious war on drug users.”

According to Dana, here are a few of “BC’s bad new pot laws” they were protesting at the legislature yesterday:

  • up to 3 months in jail if anyone can see your 4 legal pot plants
  • up to 3 months in jail for smoking pot in a canoe
  • up to 3 months in jail for possession of “illicit cannabis”
  • Cities can’t license cannabis lounges or events
  • You can’t grow legal cannabis in your backyard without landlord’s permission

With laws like these, does it really sound like legalization? Keep in mind that “illicit cannabis” basically means anything not grown by yourself (provided you stuck to the 4 plant limit) or a licensed producer.
