Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Getting Gelly with It: How Gel Might Transform Cannabis Treatments Wilson Wang·December 26, 2021What if I told you that medicinal cannabis could take a new form soon? This upcoming gel might...Cannabis CanadaCannabis NewsFeaturedHealthHealthMarijuana NewsProductsScienceScienceTechnologyTechnology·0 Comments·0
Pesticides: A retrospective Travis Cesarone·October 13, 2019The arsenal of pesticides available to licensed producers in Canada constantly changes as Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory...BusinessCannabis 101Cannabis CanadaFeaturedHealthLawMarijuana NewsMusicTechnology·0 Comments·0
Knotweed Extract: A Natural Pesticide Travis Cesarone·August 23, 2019With so many chemical and “biological” pesticides, you might ask if there is anything more natural available? During...BusinessCannabis CanadaFeaturedHealthMarijuana NewsMusicScienceTechnology·0 Comments·0
Cannabis Sprays Explored: Response Plan for Allergens Travis Cesarone·June 19, 2019We previously discussed some benefits and problems surrounding the use of Predatory Fungi like Prestop when growing cannabis–...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureFeaturedHealthMarijuana NewsMusic·0 Comments·0
Cannabis Sprays Explored: Caustic Soaps and Salts Travis Cesarone·May 27, 2019We certainly want to smoke clean buds, but this feat cannot be naturally achieved if cannabis is grown...Cannabis CanadaFeaturedHealthMusicScience·0 Comments·0
Is Cannabis Vegan? Exploring the Pesticides made from Milk Bacteria Travis Cesarone·May 22, 2019Living a pure vegan life can be tough. Avoiding the meat and dairy industry is a lot harder...Cannabis CanadaFeaturedHealthLawMarijuana NewsMusicScience·0 Comments·0
Cannabis Sprays Explored: Organosulphur, A Plant’s Natural Pesticide Travis Cesarone·May 14, 2019A Cleaner Dirt through Sulphur Adding certain ingredients to the soil that is embracing your cannabis plant can...FeaturedHealthMusicScienceTechnology·0 Comments·0