Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Lockdown Hoedown: Live Performances to shake your body to at home Nikki Kelly·February 5, 2021Missing concerts? Fill the void that the absence of live music has left in your life with these...FeaturedMusicMusic·0 Comments·0
Bass Coast music festival fans react to 2020 cancellation Eric Abbott·July 7, 2020Bass Coast has an amazing community behind it. The festival and its fans are truly going to be...EventsFeaturedMusic·0 Comments·0
List of all canceled music festivals across Canada due to COVID-19 Talha Pervaiz·April 25, 2020COVID-19 first began surfacing in early November 2019 in Wuhan, China, and now it has impacted everyone. As...ConcertsEventsFeatured·0 Comments·0
Montreal’s Metro Metro hip hop festival releases 2020 lineup Talha Pervaiz·March 26, 2020After a successful launch last spring, Montreal’s Metro Metro hip hop festival has released its 2020 lineup. Montreal’s...ConcertsEventsFeaturedMusicMusicMusicNews & Events·0 Comments·0