Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
How Cannabis Bureaucracy Destroys Wealth Caleb McMillan·August 29, 2023This is how cannabis bureaucracy destroys wealth. Last week, the government of Canada released a review of Health...All about CannabisCannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsFeaturedLatest Legalization NewsLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·7 Comments·0
Cannabis and Court Rulings Caleb McMillan·April 4, 2023Cannabis and court rulings have an extensive, intertwined history. In Canada, for example, the courts require the federal...All about CannabisCannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsFeaturedLatest Legalization NewsLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·6 Comments·0
Health Canada Wants Feedback on Cannabis Act Amendments Caleb McMillan·March 28, 2023Health Canada wants feedback on possible Cannabis Act amendments. This proposal is separate from the federal government’s legislative...All about CannabisCannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsEditorialFeaturedHealthLatest Legalization NewsLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·698 Comments·0
New Hampshire Votes to Legalize Without Regulations Caleb McMillan·March 17, 2023Did New Hampshire vote to legalize cannabis without regulations or restrictions? The New Hampshire House of Representatives has...All about CannabisCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsFeaturedLatest Legalization NewsLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·4 Comments·0
The Supreme Court Plans to Review Quebec’s Cannabis Regulation Act Wilson Wang·March 29, 2022The Supreme Court plans to review Quebec‘s Cannabis Regulation Act. This will determine whether you can grow your...Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsFeaturedLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Cannabis Goes Virtual – The Potential with Weed Apps Wilson Wang·November 8, 2021Ever wanted to buy weed on an app? In the future, we might see cannabis go virtual with...BusinessBusinessCannabis NewsFeaturedMarijuana NewsTechnologyTechnology·0 Comments·0
Do BC Covid cases justify vaccine passports in the cannabis sector? Travis Cesarone·October 1, 2021Certain non-essential services in provinces like Ontario and British Columbia now require customers to be vaccinated. But, how...FeaturedHealthLawMarijuana NewsPoliticsPress ReleasesTechnology·0 Comments·0
End of Psilocybin Prohibition? Health Canada receives proposed regulations Julia Veintrop·August 6, 2021A BC company is pushing to regulate magic mushrooms and recently submitted a proposal to Health Canada. TheraPsil...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsFeaturedLawLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Pandemic-born cannabis retailer celebrates one-year anniversary Thomas Rothmeier·April 21, 2021Acquiring a retail cannabis license and opening a store was already quite an accomplishment before everybody started covering...BusinessCannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsCultureEditorialFeaturedInterviewLatest Legalization NewsMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
VCBC gets raided by the CSU, reopens next day Julia Veintrop·July 29, 2020On July 15, 2020, the Community Safety Unit (CSU) raided the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club (VCBC), seizing the...BusinessCannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsCBD NewsCultureFeaturedHealthHealthLatest Legalization NewsLawLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsPoliticsScienceScience·0 Comments·0