Update: Quebec Finance Minister Clarifies Legalization Comments

Last week we mentioned Quebec Finance Minster, Carlos Leitao’s comments on the province refusing to sell cannabis, even if legalized. He commented that “It’s up to the federal government to determine how to do it. I will never have the obligation to commercialize (marijuana) even if it becomes legal. It’s not up to the province of Quebec to do that.”

Later he followed up on his comment on social media, saying that further clarification of what he originally said was needed. He says that “The choice regarding means of distributing (marijuana) in Quebec is a debate that is very premature.”

The method for selling legal cannabis will be different in each province, and Trudeau has said he will work with them to come up with the ideal way to distribute substance which is still illegal currently.

Leitao added, “There will certainly be time for exchanges between the federal government and provinces on this issue.”

Every province and city seems to have a different idea of how legalization should happen, but for now the long wait for legal cannabis will continue. Some cities are being proactive with their regulations, specifically with dispensaries, and others are taking a wait and see approach instead.
