Win Team Shatterboo swag for Patients Over Profit party

Thompson Caribou’s upcoming Patients Over Profit party is scheduled for April 1 in Vancouver, but the contest they’re running is no early April Fool’s joke.

The Kamloops-based MMJ biz is offering a slew of serious swag worth more than $1000 to celebrate their second anniversary.


If you’re game to potentially win two tickets to the party at MMJ Canada – Sunset (8265 Main Street) along with five bottles of syrup (one of each flavour), one bottle of each Red Congo Terpenes and Shatterboo Clear, packages of Shatter, Rosin and Budder, an original scalien rig from Kahuna Glass, a variety of Team Shatterboo gear and much more.

To enter, simply follow Thompson Caribou on Facebook, like @the.shatterboo on Instagram and share the contest post with the hashtag #POP2GIVEAWAY.

You could be very glad you did.


