cannabis and hospitalization

CinC LIVE with Justin Pierce (Father of Baby MJ)

NOTE: Video begins at 1:03.

In a very special episode of CinC Live, Jason Wilcox speaks with Justin Pierce, father of Mary-Jane Lakota Ali Pierce. MJ was born prematurely and diagnosed with a severe infection, and Justin discusses her journey and challenges. Cheryl T. Rose of Hayley’s Foundation joins as well.

A note from the Pierce family on their FundRazr page sheds light on MJ’s affliction and the Pierce’s heartbreaking story:

“Our daughter is in the NICU at BC Women’s and Children’s Hospital. She was born with very severe E. Coli and a grade 4 brain bleed the doctors dind’t expect her to make it past the first day, but she did against all odds, the next day we found out that the E. Coli was gone due to the antibiotics and she was starting to get to better in other aspects of health over a week she was on blood pressure meds, antibiotics and lots of blood products and morphine now a week and 4 days later, one side of the brain bleed has resolved itself and the other side isn’t bleeding or draining as well as the other side of the brain, she isn’t on morphine and a cocktail of other drugs or any blood products, she’s starting to feed and can breathe on a lower ventilator setting. She eventually came off oxygen and could breathe and bottle feed on her own and was transferred to Abbotsford to come home now she is now almost 4 months old (2 weeks corrected) then one day we get a call saying she was septic and had to be rushed back to the NICU in children’s hospital, she now has a severe infection causing brain swelling and up to 100 seizures a day that caused brain damage, and now she just got approved for a medication that will stop the seizures and hopefully help her. We have a long journey ahead of us, we would use these funds to go towards our lawyer fees first and foremost, medicine for Mary-Jane and us, our housing and food while at the hospital, we are currently staying at Ronald McDonald House. We will also cover some of our normal expenses while I am not able to work. Feel free to donate, visit us, or to just pray for us. We also don’t mind if you share this with your friends, thank you and god bless.”

Read more and find out how you can help here.
