City Council In Ontario OK’s Medical Cannabis Farm

The Mulmur council in Ontario has recently approved for a cannabis farm to go ahead with production. They have passed a bylaw that will permit a former rose farmer to operate a medical cannabis facility on the land that he currently rents that is across from his own property. The plan to establish a cannabis farm required some rezoning along the border between Mulmur and Adjala-Tosorontio townships. Approval for the Adjala-Tosorontio side had already received the go ahead several weeks ago but now approval has been received for the jurisdiction of land that resides on the Mulmur side.

Arnd Enderlein is the owner of Enderlein nurseries and he is seeking to turn his farm into a medical cannabis facility. He first started asking questions for permission back in 2014 and he believes that there is a strong need for medical cannabis in the region. His rose business has declined and he believes that by getting into the cannabis market that it will help him to turn his farm-land around and once again be operating a prosperous business.

The facility that he plans to establish a facility that will ideally employ around 20 individuals and will comprise of a 20,000 square foot industrial building. The township previously held a public meeting for citizens to voice their concerns and at that meeting on May 4th some concerns were heard for things like noise, smell, and security. One councilor insisted that the facility was going to be “highly controlled” and that it would yield “high quality jobs for the Mulmur residents” and he says that he never had any concerns about the application for the business. For now, Enderlein will have to wait for the 20-day approval period before he then needs to receive his growing license from Health Canada.
