Vancouver based Numinus Wellness Inc. announced early this morning that it will undertake a clinical trial of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy. The compassionate access clinical trial will enable the company to refine optimal protocols for the use of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for participants with a range of substance use disorders.
About the Research & Clinical Trial
Numinus Wellness Inc. will conduct the study in collaboration with Syreon Corporation. Syreon is a global contract research organization with expertise in conducting clinical trials across a wide variety of diseases. The study will involve an initial 30 participants. These participants will take part in motivational enhancement psychedelic psychotherapy intervention with psilocybin.

“Research has already demonstrated great promise for psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy as a treatment for certain substance use disorders. But, psilocybin is still illegal in Canada. This compassionate access trial will begin to address the hurdle of public accessibility. It will allow us to evaluate service delivery models. And study the impacts of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy as an adjunct to standard of care treatments for substance use disorders.”
– Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Evan Wood
Legal Updates-Psilocybe Mushrooms
Psilocybe Mushrooms have been in the media spotlight recently as New Jersey passed a bill to ease the penalty of possession. Oregon’s Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative was also approved in the 2020 U.S. election. The initiative decriminalized substances from Schedule I to Schedule IV, including Psilocybe Mushrooms. Health Canada has also granted exemptions from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The exemptions allowed 4 Canadians with terminal illnesses to possess and consume psilocybe mushrooms.

As the international regulatory landscape continues to evolve, Numinus’s compassionate access trial is expected to contribute key information to the understanding of treatment with psilocybe mushrooms. All things considered, this is great news for those who suffer from substance abuse disorders. Especially considering Numinus announced their first legal harvest of psilocybe mushrooms less than a month ago.
What do you think of this announcement? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you want to know more about psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy click here.