Create more infused dishes with this cannabis infused butter & flour recipe

Recipe: Here’s how to make cannabutter and cannaflour

A crucial element to making the perfect cannabis meal is to match up the right infused medium with the right recipe. As butter and flour are commonly used ingredients in a vast array of dishes, infusing either of them opens up an enormous can of options for the cannabis dishes that you can create.

If you’re looking to cover as many bases as possible, from a towering double-chocolate cake to butter-basted pork chops, there are no better infused ingredients to have handy than cannabis butter and flour. Step up your cannabis cooking game and create more infused dishes with these cannabis butter and flour recipes.

Video & cannabis infused butter and flour recipes provided by The Wellness Soldier

Cannabutter recipe

  • 1 block of butter (454g), cut into large chunks
  • 1/2 ounce of decarboxylated cannabis (14g)
  • 1/2 cup of water

You’d expect that creating the holy grail of edible ingredients would be an arduous task, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. To make cannabis infused butter, simply add your butter into an oven safe dish along with your decarbed cannabis and water. Wrap tightly with aluminum foil and place into the oven at 220°F for four to six hours.

After baking, stir the mixture and pass it through a metal strainer, filtering out any remaining plant matter. Let the dish cool to room temperature, then place in the fridge to reharden the butter. If any water remains in the dish after the butter hardens, simply poke a hole into the butter and pour out the excess water.

The potency of this butter is quite high following these measurements, containing a whopping 2,168mg of THC. Make sure to start low when incorporating this butter into recipes, as just one tablespoon contains about 70mg of THC. If you’d like to optimize the potency to your preferred dosage, check out our calculation guide here.

Cannaflour recipe

  • 4 cups of flour of choice (480g)
  • 1/2 ounce of decarboxylated cannabis (14g)

If you thought things couldn’t be easier than the butter recipe, you’re in luck! To make your infused flour, grind up your decarbed cannabis using a coffee grinder, mortar and pestle, or whatever is handiest to you. Try to keep the cannabis from turning into a dust, stopping the grind when it is around the size of sea salt. Add it into a mixing bowl with your flour of choice and whisk until evenly distributed. Store your newly infused flour in an airtight container, leaving it in a cool dry place.

The THC content of this flour recipe is 2,710mg, working out to 678mg of THC per cup. Again, if you’d like to manipulate the dosage, check out how to calculate potency here.

With these two infused staples in your kitchen, you’ll be able to tackle tons of recipes with ease. Let us know in the comments what favourite dishes you bring to life using cannabutter or cannaflour. Click here to checkout more recipes and cannabis cooking tips.
