Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Freedom Convoy Trial (And Cannabis Lessons) Caleb McMillan·September 6, 2023Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, the crowned “leaders” of the Freedom Convoy, begin their trial this week. The...Cannabis CanadaCannabis NewsEditorialFeaturedHealth & SexLawMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·50 Comments·0
Is Justin Trudeau’s Government Legitimate? Caleb McMillan·March 4, 2023Is Justin Trudeau’s government legitimate? Last year, the Canadian prime minister dismissed reports that the Chinese funnelled money...Cannabis CanadaEditorialFeaturedLawPoliticsPolitics·9 Comments·0
Top Cannabis Stories of 2022 Caleb McMillan·December 28, 2022What were some of the top cannabis stories of 2022? It was a big year for legalization efforts,...All about CannabisBusinessCannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsCBD NewsCultureFeaturedHealthLatest Legalization NewsLawMarijuana LegalizationMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·0 Comments·0
Cannabis as a Treatment for COVID-19 Caleb McMillan·December 6, 2022Researchers at Oregon State University continue exploring whether cannabis is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This is the...All about CannabisCannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsCBD NewsFeaturedHealthHealth & SexLawMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·1 Comment·0
Censor the Internet with Bill C-11 Caleb McMillan·April 4, 2022Justin Trudeau loves censorship. That’s why he wants to censor the internet with Bill C-11. Before the last...BusinessCannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCultureEditorialFeaturedLawMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsTHC News·0 Comments·0
Freedom Convoy’s Acceptable Views Caleb McMillan·February 12, 2022Trudeau said the Freedom Convoy didn’t represent Canadians. Ironic since in the last election only 1 in 10...Cannabis CanadaCannabis NewsCultureEditorialFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0