Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Clean the air with Cannabis – An Environmental Wordsearch Julia Veintrop·February 4, 2023BC is burning. Forests all over the world are in flames right now. When you also consider all...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureEducationFeaturedGamingHealthHealthScienceScience·15 Comments·0
Stoned and Scared – Halloween Horror Movie Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·October 31, 2021Getting baked and watching horror movies is a next-level stoner activity. The strain you choose can really up...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Five Things to Know Before Using Cannabis as Alternative Medicine Allen Brown·July 12, 2021Cannabis as alternative medicine continues to gain popularity. Although it’s still argued there is not enough large-scale research...Cannabis 101EducationFeatured·0 Comments·0
Taste the terpenes of your cannabis by taking a dry haul Thomas Rothmeier·May 4, 2021Whether you’re a cannabis newbie, a longtime stoner, or calling yourself a cannaseur, you should be familiar with...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaEditorialEducationFeaturedMarijuana NewsScience·0 Comments·0
Interactive Weed Wordsearch – Smoke ‘Em If You Got Em Julia Veintrop·November 8, 2020Today’s weed Wordsearch is all about celebrating the inhalation of cannabis. For those of us who like to...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyleMarijuana NewsProductsTechnology·0 Comments·0
Why do I feel like a genius when I smoke weed? Ask an Expert – The Brain Episode Julia Veintrop·September 26, 2020If smoking weed makes you feel like a tomato or a genius, you are not alone. In this...Ask An ExpertCannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCBD NewsCultureEducationFeaturedHealthHealthHealth & SexInterviewLifestyleMarijuana NewsScienceScienceSeriesTechnologyTechnology·0 Comments·0
Weed Wordsearch – Smoking Cannabis Julia Veintrop·September 6, 2020Today’s Weed Wordsearch is all about smoking cannabis! WHEN YOU FIND A WORD: Click on the first and...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyleProducts·0 Comments·1
Places in the World Where You Can Vape Guilt-Free Riya Vashiraphiphob·July 20, 2020One of the greatest social achievements in the last decade is the global change on marijuana policies. Many...BusinessCannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCannabis NewsFeatured·0 Comments·0
Smoke a joint for your health! Julia Veintrop·May 5, 2018Smoking is bad for you… except sometimes. Smoking a joint can be better for your health than not...CultureEditorialFeaturedHealthMusic·0 Comments·0