Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Animals getting high and drunk – An Outrageous Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·December 5, 2021What you are about to read contains ridiculousness, so get ready for some shenanigans. But, before you go...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyleMarijuana NewsPets·2 Comments·0
Ridiculous Stoner Shenanigans Wordsearch – Want to laugh? Click here Julia Veintrop·November 28, 2021What you are reading was written purely for your entertainment. It’s about joy, hopefully, some laughter and cannabis,...All about CannabisCannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Interesting Cannabis Facts & A Weed Wordsearch Julia Veintrop·November 14, 2021Sometimes all it can take to brighten up the day is learning something new and trippy… That’s all...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCultureCultureFeaturedFoodGamingGamingPetsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Arrive Alive – Tips for a Happy Halloween Trip Julia Veintrop·October 31, 2021I have a friend named George and he likes to party a lot. George takes drugs but he...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingGamingHealthHealth & SexLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Stoned and Scared – Halloween Horror Movie Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·October 31, 2021Getting baked and watching horror movies is a next-level stoner activity. The strain you choose can really up...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Why we celebrate Halloween — An Origin Story Julia Veintrop·October 30, 2021Halloween is almost here and everybody’s getting excited. Providing the ultimate excuse to get scared, we dress up...CultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingGaming·0 Comments·0
Smoking Weed And Your Rights – A BC Cannabis Consumption Lounge Crossword Julia Veintrop·October 17, 2021In Canada, you can legally buy a joint but there are few places where you can smoke it....BusinessBusinessCannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Getting Busted Around The World – The Consequences Of Cannabis Cultivation Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·October 11, 2021There are a lot of plants that only grow in certain places around the world, but thankfully, cannabis...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCannabis LegalizationCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLawLawMarijuana NewsPoliticsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Check your change! Valuable Canadian Coins Crossword Julia Veintrop·October 3, 2021Do you have a pile of change or a jar of old pennies? You could be sitting on...CultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Stoner Movie One-liner Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·September 18, 2021One-liners, hate them or love them, they stick in the brain, and stoner entertainment is the worst for...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0