Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Briere Vows to Stay Open in Abbotsford Brent Constantin·March 18, 2016After the City of Abbotsford filed to have his dispensary closed and have him banned from town, Don...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Around Half Of Canadians Think Home Growing Should Be Fully Legal Murray Browne·March 17, 2016The cannabis movement in Canada was very pleased to see the ruling in the Allard case, which allows...CultureFeaturedMarijuana News·3 Comments·0
New Vape Lounge To Open in Windsor Murray Browne·March 17, 2016Despite the rhetoric and tactics targeted against vaping, and a change in tune from city officials on allowing...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
S&M Sweet Shoppe Couple Charged With Trafficking Brent Constantin·March 17, 2016A Sechelt couple, who had their edibles business raided by RCMP in November of last year have now been...BusinessFeaturedLawMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
US Politics and Canadian Cannabis Caleb McMillan·March 17, 2016There are some parallels with US politics and Justin Trudeau’s “promise” to legalize cannabis. For starters, your vote...FeaturedLawMusicPolitics·1 Comment·0
Canadian Official’s “Progressive” Speech at UN Sharp Contrast To Other Nations Brent Constantin·March 17, 2016A speech at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs conference from Liberal assistant deputy minister of health Hilary Geller...FeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·2 Comments·0
Ontario Judge Fines Cannabis Grower $5 Instead of Mandatory Minimum Six Month Sentence Brent Constantin·March 17, 2016An Ontario man with an expired license to grow medical cannabis was fined $5 after police removed 99...FeaturedLawMarijuana News·4 Comments·0
Woman Arrested In Saskatchewan Dispensary Last Year Pleads Not Guilty To Trafficking Charges Murray Browne·March 16, 2016We previously reported on the Saskatchewan Compassion Club being raided by police late last year. Jamie Hagel was...BusinessFeaturedHealthLawMarijuana NewsPolitics·1 Comment·0
City of Abbotsford Files Documents With Supreme Court to Oust Don Briere Brent Constantin·March 16, 2016Abbotsford, B.C. has petitioned the province’s Supreme Court to force Don Briere and his cannabis operations out of the...BusinessFeaturedMarijuana NewsPolitics·0 Comments·0
We Owe it to Ourselves to Keep “Addiction Experts” out of the Cannabis Debate Caleb McMillan·March 16, 2016Teen pot use is down. Does that mean Justin won’t legalize now? After all, the Liberals are notorious...FeaturedLawMusicPolitics·7 Comments·0