Justin’s immigration corruption stems from why he’s bringing in record amounts of immigrants (the highest levels in history, more than the number of people brought in to populate the prairies in the late 19th and early 20th century).
This wouldn’t be an issue if this country could handle such an influx. But with a health care system on the verge of collapse, a bubble real estate market, inflation, and a looming economic downturn, is now the time to welcome millions of new people?
Of course, importing millions of people without a background in Western culture and traditions is precisely the goal of Justin Trudeau’s “post-national state.” It also aligns with the values of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
But this isn’t an anti-immigration polemic. Everyone in Canada came from somewhere else. Even the First Nations migrated across the Bering Strait tens of thousands of years ago. (Besides, aside from a fringe minority, very few Canadians, regardless of ethnicity, understand the importance of private property and free markets).
The problem is Justin is governing according to ideology rather than facts. As well, Justin’s immigration corruption stems from contracts with McKinsey and Co, a multi-billion dollar global consultancy firm.
If you’ve heard of them before, it’s likely due to their role in creating the opioid crisis. The U.S.-founded firm has collected $66 million in contracts from the Trudeau government since 2015.
The purpose? To provide “management advice” to Canada’s immigration and refugee administrative bureaucracy.
Justin’s Immigration Corruption
“Too many immigrants” is a social taboo in a nation that prides itself on “multiculturalism.” Fortunately, Canada has Quebec. A province that speaks a different language and retains a distinct culture they’re proud of and unwilling to sacrifice.
Hence, we got some actual investigative journalism from the Quebec state broadcaster. It’s not unreasonable to speculate that even left-wing Quebecois socialists are upset at the current and planned immigration levels.
And recent polls indicate that even English-speaking Canadians are souring on the prospect. Not due to any “politically incorrect” Quebec-influenced beliefs but simply to the economics of it all.
Canadians see their Soviet-style healthcare system falling apart. Young people are locked out of real estate and saddled with student debt. The cost of food is skyrocketing. Every major Canadian city has a permanent street population, with places like Vancouver becoming dangerous for the average person.
And yet, despite these problems, the Trudeau government refuses to acknowledge that Canada might be broken. As far as Justin is concerned, the country is in a better position now than in 2015 when he first took office.
Ergo, let’s invite millions of new people.
At one point, a straw must break the camel’s back. And it seems that record levels of unsustainable immigration may be doing it.
Even federal bureaucrats are accusing McKinsey of “opaque” operations within the government. As one source put it, “These firms forget the public interest, they’re not interested in it. They’re not accountable.”
Add it to the list of Justin’s treasonous activities.
McKinsey: The Reason for Opioid-Addicted Homelessness & Too Many Immigrants
Justin Trudeau is simply raising immigration levels to normal levels after that racist Conservative Stephen Harper made Canada a safe space for white supremacists.
Somewhere, a Canadian is making this argument unironically.
The fact is: immigration rates were already at historical highs when Justin first sat in the PMO. Justin Trudeau’s government has expanded the figure to surpass the heights seen before the First World War when hundreds of thousands of Europeans came to homestead the prairies.
According to public accounts data from Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), Justin has spent 30 times more money on McKinsey’s services than Harper ever did.
But why?
Why import more people than the country can handle? Is it “progressive” ideology? Does Justin hope that a majority of these people will settle in Montreal and the GTA, where they’ll continue voting for the party that let them in and gave them citizenship?
It could be a combination of these things.
But the elephant in the room is McKinsey and Co. Particularly, Dominic Barton, who lobbied the Trudeau government. He argued that higher immigration leads to more economic growth. (In other words, he argued for a pyramid scheme.)
Barton is also co-founder of the Century Initiative, a lobbying group pushing for Canada’s population to surpass 100 million by 2100.
Barton also served as Justin’s ambassador to China from 2019 to 2021. He left amidst controversy that he was too friendly with the genocidal regime.
But what is McKinsey’s role in Justin’s immigration corruption? In one example, Export Development Canada paid McKinsey $7.3 million to provide “analysis.” The Business Development Bank of Canada paid the consulting firm $8.8 million for advice in 2021 and 2022.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) turned to McKinsey the most since 2015, with $24.5 million in contracts for the firm’s “advice.”
Not a bad gig if you can stomach fleecing taxpayers who struggle to pay the bills.
McKinsey Outranks the Bureaucracy
Justin’s immigration corruption isn’t some “conspiracy theory.” According to anonymous sources inside Canada’s immigration bureaucracy: “McKinsey was an idea from the government. The policy was decided for civil servants. It causes a lot of operational instability.”
When Ottawa announced the plan to import 500,000 people annually until 2025, it justified it by appealing to the 2016 Advisory Council on Economic Growth report.
As if the information contained within represented Science™ and no reasonable person could object.
Of course, at the time, the head of the Advisory Council was Dominic Barton. Even federal bureaucrats, people I’m regularly critical of, understand that something is wrong.
As one source put it: “According to managers and politicians, everything that comes from outside is always better, even if we had enough resources internally. [McKinsey] always says they have great expertise, but it doesn’t make sense because we have expertise and we’re completely pushed aside.”
Another source added, “We had a few presentations on very generic, completely vapid stuff. They arrived with nice colours, nice presentations and said they would revolutionize everything… In the end, we don’t have any idea what they did.”
They also referred to McKinsey’s presentations as “nice marketing,” but that it wasn’t scientific.
Even former Immigration Minister John McCallum held reservations about the “huge figure” in the report. (Justin fired McCallum in 2019 over critical comments about China.)
Even University professors (from Quebec, no less) see Justin’s immigration corruption for what it is.
“How come McKinsey has the skills to do absolutely everything a government does? … It looks like another level of government. Almost a supranational government,” Benoit Duguay, professor at the Université de Québec à Montreal’s School of Management Services, told the Quebecois state broadcaster.
Isabelle Fortier, professor at the École Nationale d’administration Publique in Quebec, called McKinsey a “shadow government,” without transparency or legitimacy.
Justin’s Immigration Corruption: A Symptom of a Larger Problem
According to contracts (revised during the pandemic), the government hired McKinsey to develop and implement various strategies for “transformation.”
In other words, The Great Reset.
And indeed, McKinsey & Co advised many national governments on their COVID-19 pandemic responses, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Mexico.
The governments of Ontario and Quebec hired McKinsey for advice on how to lockdown, implement domestic passports, and wreck the economy under the guise of “recovery.”
Justin’s immigration corruption is ultimately a symptom of a larger problem. It’s not difficult to find the connections between McKinsey and the World Economic Forum.
The WEF considers McKinsey a “strategic partner” that engages in “constructive, forward-looking dialogues” to “identify impact-oriented solutions that will contribute to a better world.”
If this sounds like marketing gobbledygook, it’s because it is. But elites aren’t stupid. Before he died, Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a “global awakening” was uprooting their agenda.
And indeed, the WEF’s theme for 2023 is “A crucial year to rebuild trust.”
In other words, their “Build Back Better” propaganda is failing. But we’re far from celebrating. There’s still plenty of work to be done to reverse the damage already caused by these psychopaths.
Justin’s Immigration Corruption: The Cannabis Solution

It’s unlikely anyone is in a position to stop Justin’s immigration corruption. Canadians will witness half-a-million new immigrants arrive each year as their infrastructure crumbles. Maybe the goal is foster resentment and rebellion to further crackdown on civil liberties (see, the Freedom Convoy).
So with so many people arriving, what can we do to ensure enough for everyone? To ensure these new Canadians have jobs and not burden the country’s already inflated and ineffective disability and welfare systems?
The answer, although obvious, is unlikely to gain mass support. That is, embracing free markets, low taxes, and strong private property rights.
But perhaps Canadians can make a compromise. What about Special Economic Zones?
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are designated areas within a country with more relaxed economic regulations than the rest of the country.
These regulations traditionally include lower taxes, fewer foreign investment restrictions, and reduced business registration and operation requirements.
SEZs aim to promote economic development and increase foreign investment by creating a more business-friendly environment. You usually find them in third-world countries. And since Canada is well on its way to becoming one…
An SEZ in Canada allows entrepreneurs to create a cannabis–hemp-based supply chain.
We know we can use hemp for a wide range of products, including food, clothing, oil, paper, and building materials. But making the switch requires fundamentally transforming our structures of production.
This Plant Kills Fascism
This is why the power-hungry freaks at the WEF talk about the Great Reset. They understand the problem. They think their brand of fascism is the answer.
In reality, the only cure for poverty and a changing climate is free markets and private property. And the entrepreneurial spirit to adapt, change, and ultimately become masters over nature.
Like when we went from hunter-gatherers to farmers. Or when we went from farmers to manufacturers. Or from manufacturers to computer coders.
With the power of humanity unlocked, we can literally do anything. Far from running scared and giving up all our rights over “global warming,” we can harness the power and energy of – not only the planet – but our star.
We can build a fucking Dyson Sphere.
But first, this system needs to be seen for what it is – fascism.
For that’s all it is. Whether it’s Justin’s immigration corruption, Joe Biden’s lies about cannabis, or the increasing encroachment of public health into our private lives and businesses.
A free hemp market is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than the half-baked fantasies dreamt up by WEF fascists.
A better future doesn’t take a “Great Reset” to achieve. A mere cannabis-friendly SEZ in a single country can be the spark that lights the world.