The key to making the most of February 14th is planning ahead. In the words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Valentine’s Day can be a blast, and even more so if you smoke weed. If you have a 420 friendly partner, kick it up this year and get freaky with some canna loving. No ideas? Don’t stress, we got your back.
Think of us as your weed wingman. We want to help you make the most of your V-Day, so here are some great toys and accessories to get you in the mood for the ultimate stoner Valentine’s Day tryst.
Cannabis Sex Toys
You read that right. It’s a thing, and everything we have seen has been cute, funny, and fun. We can’t get enough of cannabis-themed accessories because, well, we love weed; throw that on a sex toy and we have harmony. It’s all about including as many of your partner’s favorites as possible. If one of them is a weed, these toys are sure to please in multiple ways – over and over.

Glass Sex Toys
Dildos made from glass can be incredibly beautiful; however, they have to be made with expert precision. If not, there is a chance that they may break. When a glass piece has been finished, it needs to sit in a kiln for a set time, at a certain temperature. All of this is based on its thickness and the composition of the glass within the piece.
When placed in the kiln, the heat spreads slowly, to some parts faster than others. As it sits in the kiln, the temperature evens out and the glass settles together. The heat is adjusted and the process restarts, over and over. Each piece is individual, requiring a different time and temperature, and if not done properly, that dildo is sure to shatter apart. The potential for harm both physically, and psychologically, is simply too gruesome to imagine and no orgasm is worth the risk. Take care, eh.
Cannabis Lubes and Pleasure Oil
THC affects the way our receptors respond to sensation, and when it comes to sexual pleasure, the right strain can heighten the entire experience. Cannabis lubes and pleasure oils are a fantastic way to apply those cannabinoids topically in the exact spot you want them to be effective. If sex is a challenge due to physical or mental trauma, or other health conditions, putting weed down there might make all the difference.

However, it’s important to note that if you put it on a place that is going inside of a body, that body could get high from it. The bio-availability of the vagina and rectum is quite significant, meaning, your body makes the most it can out of each of those milligrams. When you take 25mg of THC up your butt, it feels a lot stronger than a 25mg THC edible because your body absorbs more.
Safety First
There is nothing hotter than safety and consent because once you have those, anything goes. If you are down to get busy, spice it up with a weed flavored condom.
If one night stands had an official holiday, might well be Valentine’s Day…well, maybe NYE too. But, that being said, if you are on the prowl this February 14th, looking for love, these might just be your ticket. Made from latex, but without THC, these condoms are supposed to smell like weed. It makes us curious as to the taste. The color? Green, of course!
Here is a hot tip this article’s author learned from Harvi Wallbanger, owner and operator of VIP Escort Agency: flavored condoms are great for condom blow jobs, but prolonged use during intercourse can lead to yeast infections. A note is well taken.
Surprise Candles and Bath Products
Remember getting surprise gift bags as a kid? It was so exciting! You can have that again. Welcome to the world of surprise candles and bath products. A piece of jewelry is placed inside a bath bomb or candle – and as you use it, it gives you a gift. So, here is an idea that is sure to win: get one of these to use with your partner. Better yet, give it to them! Whether it be candlelight canoodling or a sensual bath together, you can set the mood, improve the environment, and best of all, get a little gift once you are done.
Regardless of what, or who, you are up to this Valentine’s Day, we hope you spend it doing something or someone you love. Happy Valentine’s Day!