420 Vancouver is going fully digital with a LIVE online broadcast this April 20.
Tune in to Pot TV and Cannabis Life Network to see an at-home version of our official 420 Vancouver celebration, featuring many of your favorite cannabis activists, as well as music and clips from 420 Vancouver’s 26-year history.

The party starts just before High Noon (at 11:50am Pacific or 4:20pm Newfoundland Daylight Time) and will continue until we celebrate all the 4:20s across Canada.
Roll your joints and join our protestival for a social-distancing-friendly, home hotbox session this 4/20!
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt globally, leading to venue closures and event cancellations, social distancing and self-isolation – all measures aimed at flattening the curve as the coronavirus spreads.

In an effort to support and abide by these health initiatives, the decision was made to cancel this year’s 420 Vancouver protest and celebration at Sunset Beach, which last year drew 150,000 people.
While we have all taken to hunkering down in our homes, following the advice of health officials and aiming to ride out the storm at hand, in an effort to acknowledge the unique and rich culture of cannabis worldwide on this iconic day, Vancouver’s Studio710, collaborating with Pot TV, Cannabis Life Network, and supported by 420 Vancouver, will take the celebration online.
So light a joint, count down, and celebrate the best of cannabis culture with us on April 20.