A BC company is pushing to regulate magic mushrooms and recently submitted a proposal to Health Canada. TheraPsil...
Referred to me by my local cannabista at Alternative Greens, Bake Sale - All-Purpose Flower seemed like a great fit for the intriguingly named SurrealEstate. New to the SyFy lineup this year, we are only three episodes in, but what three episodes we've gotten.
In my travels around the internet, I've found some fascinating cannabis-related decor pieces that would shine in the most out and proud smokers' house or fit with the more subtle touches of a low-key toker.
BRNT Design is a Canada-based design company specializing in bongs and accessories that focus on design, features, and cleaning. They started in 2017 with the Hexagon and have moved forward and now ship to the USA.
If you like Delta 8 THC products, stock up because they might get a lot harder to find....
The cannabis community is grieving a new loss as we say goodbye to Frenchy Cannoli. A prominent cannabis...
The first time I smoked weed, I didn’t get high from it. The same thing happened on the...
Now that cannabis is legal, we can look back and laugh at some of the madness of the...
Vancouver-based company Numinus received federal approval for a study on MDMA. Sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic...
It starts with smouldering heat and turns into a blazing fire: period cramps. For some of us, it...