The use of face masks has been controversial during the pandemic considering a lack of adequate scientific study, even though they have been used in hospitals for decades without noticeable issues. However, scientific evidence does suggest masks can restrict a user’s ability to breathe. Respiratory inhibition led us to a link between masks and decreased immunity, genetic modification, and DNA damage via oxidative stress. How can cannabis affect these symptoms as a major agent of redox homeostasis?

CO2, masks, and you
If we ignore statements that disclose a lack of scientific evidence due to limitations, masks help more than they harm. Covid-19 is a deadly pathogen with severe long term detriments and face coverings are one possible control measure. Yet, certain types of tight masks do lead to toxic CO2 levels known as hypercapnia.
How else can masks worsen migraines without disrupting the gas exchange?
CO2 is used by our bodies as a mechanism of oxygen intake. The more CO2 we breathe in, the more oxygen our bodies absorb. This function is lost in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which causes an individual to rely on the hypoxic drive. In this event, a lack of oxygen is required for involuntary respiration. Although, N95 respirators and surgical masks both contribute to hypoxemia which is a drop in blood-oxygen pressure.

Generally speaking, oxidative stress is not unusual but should be avoided so DNA can properly repair and antibodies can be produced without inhibition.
A third gas in the breath-axis
CO2 can induce nitric oxide (NO) production in the lungs, which aids in the uptake of oxygen. Nitric oxide is a massive gaseous vasodilator that our bodies require to protect blood vessels. It also prevents heart attacks when utilized via medical nitroglycerin. Since nitric oxide is a major catalyst to some vasodilative illnesses, headaches are a common side effect of both mask-wearing and medical nitroglycerin treatment.
- Masks cause headaches that PN Medical recommends breath exercises to combat. (maskaches)
- Migraines are mostly centered around nitric oxide, an anandamide deficiency, and oxidative stress
- Hypercapnia (CO2 toxicity) induces nitric oxide and acidosis.
- The use of respirators and masks can increase CO2 (hypercapnia).
- Nitric oxide increase can cause nitrosylation in the human body under normal conditions, but especially in the presence of low PH (nitric acid).
- Excessive nitrosylation can lead to specific DNA effects. Deamination of guanine and cysteine bases will cause damage and modification, respectively.
The nitric oxide that is produced in our lungs does not pass into our blood vessels, not as the original oxide. The hypotensive gas can pass through the lung’s alveoli-barrier but it rapidly breaks down before it can get into the bloodstream. Therefore, wearing certain types of masks can directly increase free radical oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen species, thus leading to nitrosylation and hypertension. So, the associated CO2 toxicity is not acute enough to poison or kill you according to MayoClinic. But, headaches caused by masks are a sign of oxidative stress, inflammation, and ultimately some DNA damage.

Nitric oxide and cannabinoids in tandem
Alterations in NO synthase are largely involved in the pathogenesis of COPD, the third leading cause of death in the USA by 2020. Notably, just two decades have passed since NO was defined as a cardiovascular inflammatory mediator in 1998; work that won Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, and Ferid Murad a Nobel Prize. Only four years earlier, an endocannabinoid that directly regulates nitric oxide, anandamide, was formally discovered in 1992.
Nitric oxide’s role in hypotension reflecting it’s hypertensive degradation products provides a pivotal homeostatic effect. A similar function is witnessed in the more forgiving endocannabinoid system which works in tandem with many biological mechanisms, especially oxidation.
- Cannabis and certain foods contain keys to our natural endocannabinoid system (ECS)
- The ECS regulates our bodies free radical levels
- The endocannabinoid, anandamide, can inhibit and supplement nitric oxide
- The ECS plays a critical role by protecting our cells from mutation and damage
Cannabinoid therapy that is guided with proper doses can mediate the immune system and level off cytokine agents. Carrots, black peppercorns, and different varieties of cannabis can even prevent mask-induced DNA effects and cellular damage by agonizing the ECS. Whereas, smoke (not mediated by terpenes and cannabinoids) will too increase oxidative damage.

Science has a maskache
Generally speaking, dozens of years in medical practice gives the consensus of safety – for face coverings. Rather than DNA damage or oxidative stress, the side effects of masks merely include:
- Skin sensitivity
- Headaches
- Cognitive decline in surgeons older than thirty-five years of age
- Bacterial infections after four to six hours of use.
Then again, their ability to stop Sars-Cov2 has yet to be accurately quantified, although control measures have forced the virus to mutate at least once. Conclusively, more research is needed on different types of face coverings outside of controlled settings if Canada’s Health Officer, Dr. Tam, expects them to be used for three more years, CBC. No study has truly answered why masks cause headaches or focused on chronic nitrosylation, especially subsequent antibody reduction, genetic modifications, and DNA damage.
Thankfully, individuals in many locations who suffer from a respiratory illness will not have to rely on breathing exercises to avoid mask-induced DNA damage. We will discuss this and the other body parts that face masks are connected to in the next installment.
Let us know your thoughts on mask mandates in the comments. Have you suffered a headache from a face covering?
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