Is my weed ok if it went through the washing machine and other questions… answered by Dr. Markus Roggen
Drug Use During Battle, Part 1 – A Military History Crossword Julia Veintrop·November 7, 2021Every war is full of horror and when you look at the gruesome details of each one, it’s...EditorialFeaturedLawLawMarijuana NewsPoliticsPoliticsPolitics·0 Comments·0
Review of Cowboy Diplomacy’s “Easier When I’m Stoned” Megan May·November 6, 2021“Easier When I’m Stoned” is the latest must-listen single from four-piece alternative blues rock band Cowboy Diplomacy. The...FeaturedMusicMusicMusic·0 Comments·0
Fall-Themed Cannabis Recipes for Hungry Stoners Dorothy Cheng·November 5, 2021Any stoner worth their kief knows that sweater weather is nothing without an arsenal of fall-themed cannabis recipes...FeaturedFoodLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Pipe or Joint? A Generational Cannabis Debate Wanderaz·November 4, 2021It’s long. It’s hard. It has a round tip, and it’s not what you’re thinking of. I am...CultureEditorialFeaturedInterviewMarijuana News·2 Comments·0
Is CBD Oil Safe For Your Dog or Cat? Amanda Richer·November 3, 2021Just like humans, many of our furry companions like dogs and cats suffer with anxiety, arthritis, cancer and...FeaturedPets·0 Comments·0
Private Cannabis Retailers Up In Arms Over Unlicensed Shops Kari Karpik·November 2, 2021Private cannabis retailers in British Columbia, particularly the Okanagan, are frustrated with the competition. The worse part is,...BusinessCannabis CanadaCannabis NewsFeaturedMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Solar Power As An Energy Source For Cannabis Growers Leo Bui·November 1, 2021Cannabis production is an energy-intensive activity. Producers must maintain the right conditions of temperature, light, and humidity for...BusinessFeaturedScienceTechnology·0 Comments·0
Are Women Who Smoke “Too Much” Unattractive? Kimberly Delarosa·October 31, 2021While listening to an episode of the podcast Marijuanera, host Mala Munoz asked her listeners: “You ever been...CultureFeaturedHealth & SexLifestyleMarijuana News·0 Comments·0
Stoned and Scared – Halloween Horror Movie Crossword Puzzle Julia Veintrop·October 31, 2021Getting baked and watching horror movies is a next-level stoner activity. The strain you choose can really up...Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureFeaturedGamingGamingGamingLifestyle·0 Comments·0
Arrive Alive – Tips for a Happy Halloween Trip Julia Veintrop·October 31, 2021I have a friend named George and he likes to party a lot. George takes drugs but he...Cannabis 101Cannabis CanadaCultureCultureEducationFeaturedGamingGamingGamingHealthHealth & SexLifestyle·0 Comments·0