The laws around Marijuana vary from state to state. Although there are 17 states (see list below) where weed is still illegal, for both recreational and medical purposes, we have provided you with information on your where can get medical marijuana during COVID-19, in the states where weed is legal.
List of States where Marijuana is Prohibited: Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming (1)
Limiting Exposure in the Dispensary to buy Medical Marijuana During COVID-19
States have issued a range of guidelines to reduce the risk of coronavirus inside of dispensaries. The smell jars are gone, employees may be wearing masks, and dispensaries may limit customers to one or two at a time to ensure social distancing. These rules for buying medical marijuana during COVID-19 are frequently updated and may vary from state to state, city to city, and even store to store.
Telehealth and Coronavirus
The biggest news for medical users is the spread of telehealth for medical card registration and renewal.
With the coronavirus outbreak, doctors have been cutting hours and restricting non-emergency appointments to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. However, many medical cannabis patients are seriously ill, and at great risk, should they be exposed to coronavirus. As a result, a number of states have prudently relaxed their rules to allow doctors to prescribe medical cannabis without an in-person visit. Read on for more information on cannabis laws, broken down by state.

State by State Guide to Coronavirus Cannabis Rules
Alaska has put in place social distancing rules and other regulations to limit exposure in the cannabis industry. For consumers, however, cannabis rules remain essentially the same.
Arizona dispensaries line-up
Arizona cannabis vendors are lining up patients in the parking lot and limiting the number of customers allowed inside at once, in order to observe social distancing. Patients should note that some Arizona dispensaries have had long lines due to the new measures.
Arkansas cannabis measures
In addition to temporarily allowing medical cannabis certification without an in-person visit, Arkansa has suspended the expiration of MMJ cards until the emergency is over. If your card expires, you’ll still be able to use it until the crisis is over. However, patients may renew their cards if they wish to.
During the epidemic, cannabis stores are adopting measures such as curbside pickup, delivery and social distancing to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Connecticut medical marijuana program
Connecticut medical cannabis dispensaries remain open. Connecticut residents may still use telehealth to register for the state’s medical marijuana program.
Colorado has restricted adult use shops to curbside sales in order to reduce exposure. Medical dispensaries can sell cannabis, both curbside and inside. Denver has its own separate rules, however, and has closed recreational cannabis shops.
Cannabis delivery is now permitted in Delaware. The state has also loosened requirements for getting a medical cannabis card.
MMJ patients in Florida can now use telehealth to renew their certification, provided it is obtained from a doctor who has previously certified that patient.
In Hawaii, vendors are encouraging patients to order cannabis online, or have a caregiver pick it up at the dispensary. Delivery is still not permitted.
Illinois now allows curbside pickup for medical patients, but not for recreational users.
Louisiana dispensaries remain open.
Medical dispensaries remain open in Maine. The state has only issued a handful of vendor licenses so far, and it’s possible the process may be further delayed by Coronavirus, making it more difficult for medical users to obtain cannabis. Maine also allows telehealth for registration of Maine medical cards.
In addition to allowing telehealth for registration and renewal of Maryland medical cannabis cards, the state has authorized curbside sales.
Massachusetts dispensaries
Massachusetts has closed recreational dispensaries through May 4th. Medical dispensaries can continue operating. Massachusetts allows telehealth consultations for medical cannabis cards.
Michigan delivery options
Michigan has loosened delivery restrictions, along with curbside pickup. Customers can now order and pay for cannabis online, and have their products delivered directly to their car.
Minnesota rules during COVID-19
Minnesota has released emergency rules to keep the state’s medical cannabis program running during the epidemic. Patients whose medical cards are set to expire March 31st or later will receive an extension until at least August 1st — potentially longer, depending on how long the emergency lasts. The state has also authorized emergency licensing of cannabis caregivers, and curbside pickup.
Missouri is continuing with plans to begin the state’s medical marijuana program this summer. Missouri allows telehealth for registration of Missouri medical cannabisÂ
Montana has recommended vendors use home delivery for medical cannabis in areas where local law allows.
Nevada dispensaries
Nevada has closed dispensaries and is only permitting medical and recreational shops to sell via cannabis home delivery. The state is not currently allowing curbside sales.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire medical dispensaries remain open, albeit with reduced hours. Patients are encouraged to call ahead and pre-order. The state temporarily permits curbside pickup, and has suspended in-person requirements for registration as a medical cannabis patient.
New Jersey Curbside Delivery
Curbside pickup is now legal in New Jersey. The state is also allowing registered medical cannabis patients to register designated caregivers for $20 — a price previously only available to low-income patients.
New Mexico Marijuana Sales
New Mexico has issued a 90 day extension on MMJ cards that expire between March 11th and June}+ 13th. The state recommends patients use curbside sales or home delivery or call ahead to place orders for pickup. The state has continued processing applications by vendors to provide delivery, in order to limit exposure.
New York
New York dispensaries remain open. The state is encouraging businesses and patients to use curbside pickup and scheduled visits to reduce potential COVID-19 exposure.
Coronavirus Effect on North Dakota
The coronavirus epidemic has led to the suspension of North Dakota’s recreational cannabis legalization drive. At least one Fargo medical dispensary has also shut down, in part due to coronavirus. As one of only 8 dispensaries in the state, the dispensary was the only nearby source for many medical users. For Fargo residents, the nearest dispensary is now 70 miles away.
Ohio MMJ Program
Ohio now allows patients to register or re-register for their MMJ program via telehealth. Dispensaries have also been permitted to take orders over the phone, and the state has released new recommendations to decrease exposure. However, curbside pickup and delivery are still not allowed.
Oklahoma now allows curbside pickup of cannabis. Delivery remains illegal.
Oregon cannabis delivery rules
Oregon has temporarily authorized curbside cannabis delivery within 150 feet of dispensaries and put in place various regulations to minimize potential exposure inside. They’ve also increased the maximum amount medical users can purchase per day to 24 ounces of flower, although the monthly limit of 32 ounces has not changed.
Pennsylvania has relaxed its rules to protect medical cannabis patients. Pennsylvanians can now be certified for MMJ through telehealth, and registered patients can have cannabis delivered to their cars at the dispensary. Additionally, the state has removed limits on how many patients a caregiver can deliver to, making it easier for patients to obtain home cannabis delivery.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island dispensaries remain open. However, COVID-19 will likely delay the fight for adult use cannabis that is currently underway in the state legislature.
Utah residents can now purchase medical cannabis with a letter of recommendation from a medical professional. This law will remain valid through December 31st, after which residents will be required to obtain a medical marijuana card. As only one medical cannabis pharmacy is currently open in Utah, accessing cannabis will remain a challenge for many MMJ patients through the end of the year.
Washington is now allowing curbside pickup for both medical and non-medical users.
Washington DC
Medical dispensaries will remain open in DC.
Staying Safe Throughout the Coronavirus Epidemic
This COVID-19 epidemic has stressed our resources as a nation and our personal resolve as individuals. If you think you might be sick or are struggling with concerns or questions about getting medical marijuana during COVID-19, or just want someone to talk to, please reach out to your doctor. We’d be happy to refer you to a holistic medical practitioner or cannabis doctor who can help you get through this crisis, safe and healthy using the new State Cannabis rules.
Source: Original Article Can be Found on Get Heally Alabama
Have you had trouble getting medical marijuana during COVID-19? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to follow us at @cannalifenet!