Should you have another cup of coffee right now? Sometimes it’s a really hard question to answer, especially if you’re super baked. The quality of cannabis around these days is pretty high and that can make for some gnarly burnout, especially if you’re smoking MK Ultra; thus, many stoners depend on caffeine. This can create some inner conflict, especially when factors like sleep come into play.
To help you decide if you should or shouldn’t have a cup, I’ve created a decision-making caffeine crossword. This might seem ridiculous but it can be quite helpful. The caffeine-free community won’t have a use for this little game but if you like a liquid energy boost, you’ll probably find it useful.
How to use the decision making caffeine crossword
The puzzle is easy and if you fill it out, you can have your coffee and drink it too! The questions are all true or false and can be answered in any order you like. Completing this puzzle equals guilt-free caffeine but if you don’t finish it, make the decision based on how close you came. If the questions seem too vague to answer, reference the guide below.
Questions Guide
1, The first question deals with mindless consumption. Is caffeine what you really want?
2, Regardless of whether it’s physical or mental, if you’re feeling tired, answer true.
3, This question is all about asking yourself why you are staying awake and how alert you need to be. How much do you need and want to focus on right now?
4, Power naps can be pretty effective but some people can’t fall asleep in the daytime. In addition to having the right circumstances, only answer true if you want to have a snooze.
5, Caffeine makes some people anxious and edgy and it can creep up on you, especially when you’re feeling tired. Answer this question based on how you feel at this moment. If you want caffeine but shouldn’t have it, ask yourself if it’s really worth it. Is it really worth your health?
6, Food is fuel for the brain as well as the body. Without it, you’re sure to underperform. Don’t replace your calories with caffeine; go eat something, then start the crossword over.