ice therapy

Replacing Ice with Cannabinoids: Numbing Pains

Medics have treated injuries with ice and heat for thousands of years. Therapy by numbing is an obvious asset, but a more intricate event occurs. The act of icing and applying heat to an injury falls deeply in tune with cannabinoid therapy. In fact, THCV and Cannabigerol (CBG) directly affect the same cooling sensation as menthol. A sensory system that ice also affects. What’s remarkable is how cannabis components like THCV and CBG can interact with temperature and pain through the same site.


Cannabinoid-An icy trigger

Cannabis aids with the suppression of pain, as well as inflammation and cancer. One major mechanism is through the mediation of temperature and chemical sensitivity. Cannabinoids act on special sensory systems identified under the umbrella category- TRP channels. These tiny sensors located throughout our body respond to ice and fire.

THCV and CBG deactivates a receptor (TRPM8) which is responsible for the cold response to mint and menthol. Agonizing this site can also bring therapeutic benefit, but there is a catch.

Choosing a single-edged sword

Menthol and ice exposure can eventually lead to desensitization and anti-inflammation after your body adjusts to trauma and irritation. Therefore, the ice itself may actually possess problems. A deeper dive does reveal both therapy and complications do dwell beyond just one site alone, however, one reason could be an initial trauma event at TRPM8 channels.

CBG and THCV instead antagonize the channel. Whether cannabinoids will work when the ice will not remains unknown, but they can lower your body temperature. Effects do occur across many areas of the body that provide relief for specific types of pain and inflammation. The two may even inhibit carcinogenesis through this pathway.

Special sensory channels buried across your tissues each possess many key qualities. TRPM8 has a role in cellular proliferation, meaning it aids in new tissue growth. In reality, a poorly maintained development of new cells is the main catalyst for cancer. Unregulated growth allows mutations to spread.

Therefore, cannabinoids like THCV and CBG will directly mediate messy cell growth that has occurred from traumatic activation of the TRPM8 channel, such as excessive exposure to ice and cold. Cancer also excites this channel. These cannabinoids ability to inhibit TRPM8 can therefore indirectly mediate cellular propagation, cancer’s early beginnings.


Cannabigerol – An analgesic blanket

Cannabigerol possesses other potential pain management effects that are unrelated to the pharmacology of ice. One of these is by mediating a specific suite in your adrenaline system, the A2(a) adrenoceptor. CBG also inhibits COX-2, which protects your endocannabinoid system during injury, disease, or trauma.

Inhibiting inflammation through all of these facets will aid in general relief. This extends deep into your tissues, even into your eyes. Unfortunately, it seems there is a lack human clinical trials. Next, we will still explore more pre-clinical studies on how Cannabigerol aids glaucoma and regenerates other tissues as well.

Photo Courtesy of Zamnesia.
