The Lesson Behind the Karma Cup Interruption

If someone gets sick, there are already laws in place to deal with it.

In the common-law tradition, after the divine right of the monarch, peaceful cooperation was a given. State force only entered once it was clear conflicts weren’t going to resolve themselves through mutual arbitration.

Canada (and most of the West) evolved out of this idea, but the democratic and socialist excesses of the last 100 years has undermined the traditional civil liberty of economic freedom.

If the city of Toronto has a problem with the cannabis-orientated Karma Cup, they better have a valid reason.

Surely, police must be more concerned with the divergence of fentanyl from hospitals than some self-regulated “trafficking” of cannabis?

The Karma Cup, a grassroots event, supporting an authentic middle-class economy of small, craft producers and vendors, found themselves without a venue Thursday, Oct. 20.

The problem is clearly that they weren’t licensed producers, the status of the event is inauthentic because they are outside state regulation.

But cannabis people shouldn’t follow suit, the business community should take a lesson from the craft cannabis culture.

As a businessperson, especially living in Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal Ontario, you should be able to understand why removing red tape and cutting taxes is the verifiable path to prosperity.

Labour needs the entrepreneurial spirit to create wealth.

All McGuinty-Wynne socialism has done is bankrupt a once wealthy province.

What incentive does this peaceful “grey” market have?

The 400+ LP applicants are free to ignore cannabis laws and regulations as well, when it’s become quite clear to them, as it has for many cannabis connoisseurs, that people are free to engage in commerce without prior state approval.

Laws underpinning a free, fair, and orderly society compel obedience, but words have a tendency to change meaning, and, legislation tends to be thick and plentiful, and so, administrative tasks don’t always reflect “peace, order and good government.”

Prioritizing cannabis enforcement isn’t necessarily reflective of the preferred social reality.

The City of Toronto is a complex, spontaneous order of human strangers. You can only realistically know so many people, but you can buy goods and services from people all over the world.

Cities work because peace is a prerequisite. Residents don’t steal and murder each other the first day of a police strike. They find other means of law enforcement.

Civilizations don’t decay when police forces aren’t large enough.

Civilizations falter when strangers fail to exchange freely, when prohibitionary forces arbitrarily restrict them from buying and selling to each other.

The craft cannabis middle-class cannot sustain itself in an environment where the state subsidizes certain producers while subverting others.

Where are the principles of economic freedom that once defined a free society?

The Karma Cup, as well Greater Toronto Area dispensaries, are victims to a 19th-century constitutional fiefdom.

An unwarranted persecution of free cannabis markets — farmers, vendors, extractors, glass-makers, and all the rest — cannot be justified by appeals to emotion.

But that’s all we hear from governments and police. “Your cannabis is unfit for consumption because we say so. We determine best practice. Think of the children.”
